The Herbal Cure

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The Garden of the Charlatan

The Herbal Cure

Distance from the Start:

600 m

Distance from the Finish:

4.900 m


The Garden of the Charlatan, currently under construction, will be a multi-sensorial tool meant to better understand and contextualize the figure and activities of the Cerretan/Charlatan, which took place in natural relationship with the medicinal plants growing in the area.

It is meant to be a place of relaxation, exploration and culture, open to the local population, travelers, scholars and anyone eager to know some of the “magical” and medicinal herbs that were the essential work tool of the Cerretan Beggers – although sometimes also used inappropriately.

It is good to mention that probably the Cerretan Beggers, being “vagabond and acrobat” out of necessity and work, did not cultivate their medicinal herbs, but rather searched for and collected them in nature; therefore this small “garden of the simple remedies” is not the reproduction of a gargen that never existed, but wants to offer you the opportunity to stop and observe, smell, touch the healing plants used by our ancestors, which still grow wild and luxuriant today in the woods, pastures and along the rivers of our land.

Freely rewritten from “L’Orto del Ciarlatano / Cerretano” by Adolfo Rosati